Company name: Van Horst Commercial Construction & Maintenance
Principal name: Lindsey Rutka
Principal office address: 17 Nelson Street, East Hartford, CT 06108
Mailing address: PO Box 4100, Hartford, CT 06147-4100
Type of business: Partnership
Type of work: General Construction and Commercial Property Maintenance
Number of years in business: Since 1985
Number of years in business under current business name: Since 1997
Other DBAs: Lindsey Rutka d/b/a Van Horst General Contractors
Date partnership organized: September 25, 1997
Partners names: Lindsey V. Rutka, David A. Saling
Licensed jurisdiction: Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia, Ohio and affiliate licensees in all other States.
Jurisdictions trade name is filed: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Florida, Missouri
Trade References:
H & C Energy, Inc.
9 Rear Spencer Court
East Hartford, CT 06108
Dyna Electric, Inc.
PO Box 1687
Manchester, CT 06040
Globe Electric, Inc.
641B Main Street
East Haven, CT 06512
Bank References:
Citizens Bank
1780 Silas Deane Highway
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Surety — name and
address of
bonding company:
Colonial Surety Company
50 Chestnut Ridge Road
Montvale, NJ 07645
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